and when we conducted an interview at a shrine , fortune slip i drew said i have great misfortune . 取材で行った神社で おみくじ引いたら 大凶だし。
implying the rampageous behavior to citizens by the chinese amy at the gapsin coup , he says that the westerners might see japan as the same type of country as china and korea , which might indirectly become an obstacle in foreign diplomacy and that will be ' a great misfortune for my japan .' その上で、甲申政変における清軍の市民への乱暴狼藉を暗に挙げ、このままでは西洋人は清・朝鮮両国と日本を同一視してしまうだろう、間接的ではあるが外交に支障が少なからず出ている事は「我日本国の一大不幸」であると危惧する。
rokuyo refers to one of rekichu (various information recorded in the almanac ) and has the six kinds such as sakigachi (the day on which bold actions are supposed to turn out well ), tomobiki (the day currently believed to pull a friend by superstition ), sakimake (the day on which it is supposed to be better to avoid disputes and hurried actions ), butsumetsu (buddha ' s death or unlucky day ), taian (the most auspicious day in the six-day buddhist calendar ) and shakko (the day of great misfortune ). 六曜(ろくよう)は、暦注の一つで、先勝・友引・先負・仏滅・大安・赤口の6種をいう。